Our Specialty
- The provision of client managed workers.
- Managing a workforce.
- Improving the turnover of all businesses we supply manpower to.
Within Eastern Europe, Poles makes up 50% of the population eligible to work in the UK.
- 98% Catholic by faith.
- Strong family values.
- High education levels with English being the second language.
- Generally respectful, although the younger element are more independently minded.
- Flexible and adaptable, coming from a mend and make do background.
The facts are, employers cannot afford to ignore the talents available from Poland and Eastern Europe.
- 20 years of hands on experience in recruiting from abroad.
- Industrial and practical background.
- A proven track record.
- Clear cut terms and conditions.
- A no quibble guarantee.
- This starts with a detailed CV. We recommend the upload of a portrait photograph.
- Aptitude for working abroad is important. With our experience we are able to weed out the weak players.
- A criminal check is now standard, candidates are urged to apply at their own cost as it shows commitment. We have tightened up in this area as history taught us that people who flout the law are more likely to be problematic.
- References are required depending on relevant laws, we investigate reliability, trustworthiness, absenteeism through a work related reference and social issues through a personal one.
- On line job description access is provided to the candidate.
- If workers indicate they would like the job, standard documentation is made available as we only want workers who fully understand and accept the terms of engagement.
- Once agreed a face-to-face interview in Poland takes place, unless the candidates are already in the UK.
- Depending on the level of English required by a client the interview will be conducted in the local language or English. Please be precise with language requirements on your CV and Job Description.
- Trade qualifications, where relevant, will be gathered and translated into English
- A medical declaration form is mandatory.
Additional processes can be bespoke to the Client if a good standard of English is required.
- If required, skill competences can be tested in Poland, this is chargeable to the client.
- If the position is highly technical the client can interview the candidate by telephone.
Only after written confirmation has been received from the client will the contract of employment be offered.
Notice periods vary, candidates are encouraged to act responsibly, the lag between contract offer and arrival is generally around 2-4 weeks.
We customarily employ candidates on a long term basis, that said no two arrangements are the same, talk to us about your needs, we will try our best to accommodate you. Like our workforce, we are totally flexible.
As part of the service we deal with all the following, allowing you to get on with what you do best running your business.
- Illegal workers could lead to fines of up to £10,000 a time. We ensure the individual is entitled to work in the European Union
- Establishing bank accounts. A nightmare for a new arrivals. We can open a bank accounts before workers arrive.
- We deal with any government registration requirement.
- Assist in the procurement of National Insurance numbers.
- Encouraging employees to register with a Doctor.
- Assisting in the search for suitable accommodation.
- Assisting with transportation.
- Pastoral support is available, if required.
- Agreeing a review process to suit individual clients.
Our screening process is rigorous, the aim to weed out unsuitable candidates, that said, no system is 100% accurate, we look to detect any bad apples as quickly as possible.
We have a no quibble guaranteed replacement policy governed by the review process, which is exception based, this is designed to cause minimum disruption to clients.
- It takes about 2 weeks for candidates to bed in. The key here is effective communication of expectations including on the job training, this is usually dealt with by the clients.
- At the end of two weeks a client is invited to pass comment, no comment, no action. If there are issues we will communicate with the candidate and address areas of difficulty or concern.
- At the end of 4 weeks it is generally possible to tell whether an individual will succeed, at this time an agreement is reached with the client as to the way forward.
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